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Looking to grow your current real estate business? Find out why Edina Realty is the best place to do it!

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Looking to grow your current real estate business? Find out why Edina Realty is the best place to do it!

At Edina Realty, we know how important it is to find meaning in your work, and we’re committed to making sure you have the tools and support you need to find the bigger meaning in being a Realtor. Reach out today to start a conversation with an Edina Realty office manager near you.

Become an Edina Realty REALTOR®

Being a Realtor with Edina Realty means having unlimited earning potential. You set your own hours and choose what you focus on to achieve your goals. Need a little help getting started? Check out our financial assistance options.

Tuition reimbursement

$1,500 for military veterans
Put your unique set of skills to work as a real estate agent using our Veterans to Realtors program. This program offers $1,500 in training, technology tools and marketing support to help you launch your career. Plus, it’s offered for free to spouses of veterans as well.

Find out more about what your real estate career at Edina Realty can look like. Sign up for an informational session with a broker!

What does the job pay?

In a statewide 2023 survey based solely on employee feedback, Edina Realty ranked #7 among all large employers in Minnesota.

We were named a Star Tribune Top Workplace

Join an info session near you!

Learn more about a career in real estate at one of our weekly information sessions – held every Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.

Connect with a real estate manager near you

© 2003-2024 Edina Realty, Inc. a HomeServices of America, Inc. company and Berkshire Hathaway affiliate.

Edina Realty named largest real estate agency

 A 2020 ranking from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal lists Edina Realty as the largest residential real estate company in the region by sales volume.


Edina Realty's top workplace awards